Component Testing with Ely Lucas on Web Rush #210
Ely Lucas talks with us about how component testing works with Cypress, what's easier and what's still difficult to test, security in testing, and why don't we want to test our code?
Ely Lucas talks with us about how component testing works with Cypress, what's easier and what's still difficult to test, security in testing, and why don't we want to test our code?
Martin Turoci talks with us about H20 Wave, a realtime web app and dashboard builder for Python. Is it server side or client side? What types of applications are there for Wave? Who is the target audience for Wave?
Jordan Powell stops by to talk about Cypress and testing, how Cypress makes it easier for developers to test, what the various kinds of testing are, and what people need to understand about component testing.
Kapehe joins us to talk about her role in developer relations. What does developer relations mean? How does Dev Rel go back to the Product team? Where does video work best for dev rel? And how to deal with criticism of dev rel knowledge.
Tanner Linsley talks about writing open source software at TanStack, including TanStack Table, and answers our questions about data grid functionality, why reach for a grid, and why should developers consider headless?