Free Video: SPA Primer with Durandal, Knockout and Breeze

I had the fortune to join a cast of heavy hitters at the free DotNetConf live event. My session was a 50 minute primer on SPA that tells a story about what a SPA can do. Javier Lozano and Scott Hanselman hosted the free event through a Google Hangout, which turned out pretty cool. They have now made the videos freely available. You can see my video below. If you are looking to evaluate if SPA is right for you, I think you’ll enjoy this video. If you want more detail on “how” to build a SPA, you can check out my full length courses at Pluralsight.

Learn more about Durandal and these topics from my beginner level SPA JumpStart course for Pluralsight.

I’ve spent a lot of time lately with JavaScript both with and without libraries, and while I love vanilla.js (just using JavaScript as it is powerful on its own), I prefer to take advantage of well built and stable libraries such as Durandal, Knockout and Breeze.

Go deeper on how to build a SPA from my intermediate level SPA course for Pluralsight.

Learn more about Knockout.js and data binding in JavaScript Knockout course for Pluralsight.