How I Doubled by Lighthouse Performance with Astro.js with Corbin Crutchley on Web Rush #215
Corbin Crutchley talks with us about what he did to improve his Lighthouse score, and how Astro played a part in improving his website's experience.
John Papa is a professional Web Developer and storyteller. He currently leads the Academic Cloud Advocacy teams at Microsoft and formerly worked for Disney.
Corbin Crutchley talks with us about what he did to improve his Lighthouse score, and how Astro played a part in improving his website's experience.
On this episode, we throw Dan Wahlin in the guest chair and let him tell us about his story of working in tech - from Links golf games to working at Microsoft.
Stephen Cooper joins us to talk about AG Grid and his work helping developers figure out how best to use AG Grid in their projects. What are the pain points for using a grid? How do they determine sensible defaults? And advice for developers trying out AG Grid.
Dan and Craig talk about the ways to use containers to deploy web apps, and the benefits and drawbacks to using Kubernetes for deploying web apps.
Ely Lucas talks with us about how component testing works with Cypress, what's easier and what's still difficult to test, security in testing, and why don't we want to test our code?