2011 Virtual and Live Speaking Locations

VSLive, Pluralsight WebCast and the inaugural Tampa Windows Developer User Group. That’s all that’s left for me this year for presentations. Actually, it’s a pretty full plate given that the year is almost up and the holidays are upon us. Here is my remaining 2011 schedule:

Tampa Bay WinDev: Intro to Metro UI

(Nov 30 at 6pm ET)

This is the first meeting of the new Windows user group hosted at the Microsoft offices in Tampa. This will be a run through of the Metro app dev landscape. You can register here for this Nov 30 event.

Pluralsight WebCast: Windows 8 Metro App Development

(Dec 5th at 4pm ET)

This is a Pluralsight hosted live web cast with both Dan Wahlin and I talking about our new Windows 8 course and answering your questions. The web site has the wrong date and time, it is indeed Dec 5th at 4pm ET.

VSLive Orlando: JavaScript Patterns for HTML5

(Dec 7th at 9:15am ET)

JavaScript gets a bad rap sometimes for easily confused global variables, script files that are thousands of lines long, and mixing html with script code. But it doesn't have to be that way. This session will demonstrate common techniques to separate structure (HTML), behavior (JavaScript) and presentation (CSS) with modern Web development. I'll offer a few tips to make your JavaScript more maintainable, manage namespacing, and demonstrate how to implement various JavaScript patterns.

VSLive Orlando: Advanced Patterns with MVVM in Silverlight and Windows Phone 7

(Dec 7th at 1:30pm ET)
Ever wonder what the MVVM pattern is, why it exists, when it works well, and what parts you may want to use or not use? In this session I'll discuss all of these topics and go through important scenarios including messaging, child windows, testing with design timed data, tombstoning, dialogs, and how to apply these principals to both Silverlight desktop and Windows Phone 7 applications.

VSLive Orlando: Data Binding and MVVM Patterns in HTML5

(Dec 8th at 3:00pm ET)

There are several ways to push and pull data in and out of HTML elements, each with their own advantages. In this session we’ll examine some common techniques to present data in the UI including loading JSON data in and out of HTML elements using jQuery, presentation through  templates. We’ll also demonstrate how to apply data binding using the MVVM pattern in our JavaScript