Migrating Vue 2 to Vue 3
I recently converted a second app from Vue 2 to Vue 3, added TypeScript, and swapped from options api to composition api. Here are my notes from the experience
A collection of 15 posts
I recently converted a second app from Vue 2 to Vue 3, added TypeScript, and swapped from options api to composition api. Here are my notes from the experience
Ever wondered what exactly Nuxt, Vue, or GraphQL are? We've got Daniel Roe on this episode to talk about what Nuxt is? Why is SSR important? How hosting on Lambda helps? And what some of the challenges with Nuxt are for developers.
You've built an app and you want it to scale. Do you want CI/CD, custom domains, SSL certificates, APIs, global scale of your static assets, authentication, and authorization? Let's take a first look at Azure Static Web Apps.
Cher talks with John and Ward about her experiences working on Starbucks PWA, and moving from Vue to React.
I recently released my course on the Vue CLI with Pluralsight [https://jpapa.me/vuecli-ps] course (December 31, 2018) and I'd like to share what's inside! Here is the overview ... > Do you want to learn to develop Vue apps quickly while following the recommended tooling? In this course,