T Minus 3 hours: WebCast Using System.Transactions in .NET 2.0

As I mentioned late last week, I'll be presenting Using System.Transactions in .NET 2.0 in on of the MSDN WebCast events later today (9:00am Pacific Time or 12:00 noon for us on the East Coast).

I have several demonstations and slides but I will try to focus most of the time on the demos.

Here is a brief  summary of the agenda:

<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style=”MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px”> <P>The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 includes the System.Transactions namespace, which enhances transactional support for managed code. This webcast discusses how System.Transactions can handle transactions without deriving from a ServicedComponent, using interception or reflection. Designed to integrate with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, System.Transactions supports promotion of local lightweight to fully distributed transactions. We illustrate this using examples that modify default transactional settings as well as the isolation level, timeout period, and transaction context. We also demonstrate several examples of using transactions and when and if they are promoted.</P></BLOCKQUOTE> <P dir=ltr>Hope to “see” you there!</P> <P dir=ltr> </P>