Stencil with Anthony Guiliano on Web Rush #181

Anthony Guiliano joins us to chat about what Stencil is? What makes Stencil different? When and why should you use Stencil? And how Stencil manages state?

Direct link to episode.

const podcast = { 
  episode: 181,
  title: 'Stencil',
  topics: [ 
    'Stencil', 'design systems', 'components'
  guest: 'Anthony Guiliano'
  hosts: [
    'John Papa', 'Dan Wahlin'

Recording date: April 7, 2022

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Anthony Guiliano @A_Giuliano

Brought to you by

  • AG Grid

  • Narwhal

    Visit to get the preeminent open-source toolkit for monorepo development, today.



  • 02:59 Guest introduction
  • 04:12 What is Stencil?
  • 06:00 What makes Stencil different?
  • 08:31 Sponsor: Narwhal
  • 08:59 Creating your first component
  • 13:14 Why use Stencil?
  • 17:42 What is a design system?
  • 18:40 Sponsor: Ag Grid
  • 19:43 When is the right place to choose Stencil?
  • 26:53 Why would I integrate Stencil?
  • 30:40 How does Stencil manage state?
  • 33:58 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.