Now that my book writing is slowing down as my Silverlight 2 book is getting ready to go to print, I've been preparing for a series of Silverlight 2 events. I had a great turnout for my Silverlight 2 and data services session yesterday in VSLive NY. I wish I had more time to go through all of the material I wanted to, but it was a jam packed session of Silverlight and the cloud goodness as it a was.

My next event will leave more time to talk about Silverlight 2, REST services, bindings, Blend, WCF, RSS and more since it is a half day. And its free! Registration is open for our Day of Silverlight 2 hosted at the Microsoft offices in Tampa Florida on Friday, October 24th. Joe Healy has been kind enough to set up this free event at the Microsoft offices in Tampa, FL and to invite me to present this great topic. We'll be giving away lots of cool swag including a bunch of Silverlight and related books donated from Microsoft Press and O'Reilly Media. We'll also be heading off to a late lunch afterwards to talk about any offshoots that may pop up. his is a great chance to see what's coming in Silverlight 2 and hear about the future of this technology.

I hope to see you there!

Microsoft Office – Tampa, FL
5426 Bay Center Drive, Suite 7005426 Bay Center Drive, Suite 700

Tampa, FL 33609

Friday, October 24, 2008
9:00 AM–12:00 PM
Click here to register or call 877.673.8368 with event ID 1032387218

Title: Day of Silverlight 2.0 - Data Access – with John Papa

  • Data Binding Foundations, Notifications, Modes, Lists, and Value Converters
  • Consuming SOAP with WCF and ASMX, POX and REST services, and Syndication
  • LINQ to XML & LINQ to JSON
  • Building REST styled services with Silverlight to 3rd Party API’s
  • Using Visual Studio and Blend and to develop Silverlight applications