OSS Sustainability and NPM Module Ecosystem with Matteo Collina on Web Rush #177

Matteo Collina stops by to talk about the npm ecoystem, security, update us on Fastify, front end vs back end concerns, how Fastify helps with security issues, vulnerabilities in open source, and tips for securing node.

Direct link to episode.

const podcast = { 
  episode: 177,
  title: 'OSS Sustainability and NPM Module Ecosystem',
  topics: [ 
    'Fastify', 'security', 'oss'
  guest: 'Matteo Collina'
  hosts: [
    'John Papa','Craig Shoemaker'

Recording date: March 17, 2022

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Matteo @MatteoCollina

Brought to you by

  • Narwhal

    Visit nx.dev to get the preeminent open-source toolkit for monorepo development, today.

    Narwhal logo

  • AG Grid




  • 02:25 Guest introduction
  • 05:25 Live vs virtual conferences
  • 06:38 npm Ecosystem and Security
  • 09:07 Update on Fastify
  • 12:06 Sponsor: Narwhal
  • 12:40 Were you able to start with this process in the beginning of Fastify?
  • 15:30 Front end vs back end concerns
  • 17:20 Serverless vs server based cold starts
  • 22:37 How Fastify helps with security issues
  • 24:05 Why is my npm modules folder so big?
  • 26:56 Sponsor: Ag Grid
  • 28:01 Vulnerabilities in open source
  • 33:01 What do people who aren't able to code do?
  • 34:01 Security tips for using node

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.