ngConf 2018 Experience

Every year for 5 years now I have been lucky enough to have been invited to ngConf, the "World's Original Angular Conference" (from their site). Bottom line, this is one of my all-time favorite tech conferences. If you haven't been to it, please come next year - it's that great of an experience.

This year was special too because my cousin Tatiana (upper right in the photo collage) attended ngConf too. She is incredibly skilled in javascript, blockchain, and Angular. It's always great to see family!

  • The sessions - top notch
  • The workshops - taught by the top Angular folks in the world
  • Access to Angular team - the Angular team dedicates 10+ folks to this conference each year
  • Hack events - incredible free hack events on AI and other topics with Angular
  • 1:1 with speakers - Expert rooms, mentoring rooms, panel discussions all with the speakers all day on Day 2
  • Diversity and Code of Conduct - A lot of attention, money, and effort put into making everyone feel welcome and wanted
  • The hallway conversations - excellent!

This year I hosted a 2 day workshop on Angular with my friend Dan Wahlin to 120 new friends before the conference. It was incredible to meet so many people and engage with them all in hands-on training.

I spoke on the last day on a topic near and dear to me in my years of architectural experience. The topic was titled "Readable Code". I have a 45 minute version of this talk that I cut down to 17 minutes for ngConf, and you can watch my Readable Code talk here.

How to Watch ngConf

The great thing about events like this is that you can watch them live in person, on the live stream from your home or office, or recorded on YouTube! I'm still catching up on some of the sessions on YouTube. Here are just a few of the sessions I found incredibly good:

There were many others that were fantastic, you can watch them on YouTube here.

So many people (1500) come together to make ngConf special each year. Sunny, Joe, Kip, Bonnie, Shyloh and many other organizers do an incredible job ... their caring about the community shines through.