Kick-Start Your Tests with Microsoft Test Manager

If you are trying to get up to speed on testing, you may want to take this course for a spin. My friend Esteban Garcia has published a course for Pluralsight on testing. Specifically he covers Microsoft Test Manager 2012 and how to plan, manage, and execute tests with it.

The course takes you through the steps needed to:

  • Configure MTM to gather diagnostic data while you run your test cases
  • Setting up test plans, test suites, and test cases
  • Execute scripted test cases
  • Exploratory tests
  • Create action recordings to automate test runs with manual validation
  • Use parameter binding to streamline data-entry during testing
  • Coded UI Tests to achieve full automation
  • Create bugs in TFS and include diagnostic data
  • Tester-developer interaction (From MTM and Visual Studio)
  • Introduce Lab Management into your testing workflow

Esteban used my SPA Jumpstart Code Camper application as his test subject. He coded some bugs into the application and showed how MTM can help uncover them, and then submit them to the development team with all the data needed to diagnose and fix the bug. Once the code is fixed, it is deployed as part of an automated build and the code is then available for verification with MTM. By using action recordings at first and then full automation, you are able to easily go through the steps that found the bug.

This is a great course whether you are just getting started with Microsoft Test Manager or you are an experienced user looking to get the most out of the tool.