Heading to Boston

Just confirmed that I’ll be at VSLive in Boston this June. If you plan on attending VSLive, drop by. I’ll be presenting 2 topics:

Get Ready for ADO.NET 2 (5:45 pm to 6:45 pm, Wednesday, June 29, 2005)
Data access using ADO.NET is at the core of most .NET enterprise applications. While ADO.NET 1.x is powerful, its successor ADO.NET 2 contains several new features that are can benefit an application. I’ll review these new features and how to take advantage of them including binary serialization of DataSets, new features and objects built into the DataSet and enhancements to strongly typed DataSets.

Lightweight Promotable Transactions using System Transactions and ADO.NET 2 (2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Thursday, June 30)
The.NET Framework v2 includes the System.Transactions namespace that enhances transactional support for managed code. I’ll discuss how System.Transactions can handle transactions without using other common practices such as deriving from a ServicedComponent, using interception, or using reflection. Designed to integrate with SQL Server 2005, System.Transactions supports the intelligent and automatic promotion of local lightweight transactions to fully distributed transactions. It also introduces a new class called LightweightTransactionManager, which is a faster alternative to using the DTC for local transactions. I will walk through examples that modify the default transactional settings of the implicit local transaction and modify the isolation level, timeout period and transaction’s context. I will demonstrate how and when the System.Transactions namespace delegates the promotion of a lightweight transaction to a fully distributed transaction. I will also discuss how to develop explicit transactions and manually choose when and if to enlist in a transaction context.

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