Find a Column, Find a Table in SQL Server

OK, so this isn’t rocket science, but then again some of the best things are the simplest. You can do a lot with the information_schema views in SQL Server.

Here is a short stored procedure that you can use to find:

  • a table by its full name
  • a table by partial name
  • a column by its full name
  • a column by its partial name
  •  It comes in handy for me when I am looking for a field in related tables, or a spec I am reading refers to a field by name but not by the table it is in. Like I said, it is simple, but I have used this type of a proc for a long time.

    Table or Column Finder
     CREATE PROCEDURE prFindTableOrColumn ( @table_name VARCHAR(128) = NULL, @search_data VARCHAR(128) = NULL ) AS DECLARE @search1 VARCHAR(128) SET @search1 = '%' + @table_name + '%' IF @search1 IS NULL SET @search1 = '%' DECLARE @search2 VARCHAR(128) SET @search2 = '%' + @search_data + '%' IF @search2 IS NULL SET @search2 = '%' SELECT c.table_name, c.column_name, c.data_type, c.character_maximum_length, c.numeric_precision, c.numeric_scale FROM information_schema.columns c INNER JOIN information_schema.tables t  ON c.table_name = t.table_name WHERE c.table_name LIKE @search1 AND c.column_name LIKE @search2 AND t.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' ORDER BY c.table_name, c.column_name