Exploiting System.Transactions at VSLive

Just confirmed that I’ll be at VSLive in Orlando in May 2006. I'll be presenting on one of my favorite topics: System.Transactions.  The session is titled Exploiting System.Transactions and ADO.NET 2 and is now tentatively scheduled for May 17th at 11:45am. You can check out the preliminary schedule online.

My boss, Jon Goodyear, is also presenting at VSLive Orlando in May. His session is titled New Debugging Features for Visual Studio 2005 and is at 4:30 on May 17th. So we've got 2 reps from ASPSOFT there :-)

Here is a brief summary of what I'll be demonstrating/discussing:

<P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Tahoma color=#006400 size=2><FONT color=#006400>Exploiting System.Transactions and ADO.NET 2</FONT>
<FONT face=Tahoma color=blue size=2><FONT color=#006400>The.NET Framework v2 includes the System.Transactions namespace that enhances transactional support for managed code. In this session, I will discuss how System.Transactions can handle transactions without using other common practices such as deriving from a ServicedComponent, using interception, or using reflection. Designed to integrate with SQL Server 2005, System.Transactions supports the intelligent and automatic promotion of local lightweight transactions to fully distributed transactions. It also introduces a new class called LightweightTransactionManager, which is a faster alternative to using the DTC for local transactions. Example will include modifying the default transactional settings of the implicit local transaction, the isolation level, timeout period and transaction’s context. I will also demonstrate how and when the System.Transactions namespace delegates the promotion of a lightweight transaction to a fully distributed transaction as well as how to use explicit transactions, and manually choose when and if to enlist in a transaction context.</FONT> </FONT><FONT face=Tahoma size=2><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /></FONT></P> <P class=MsoNormal><FONT face=Tahoma size=2> </FONT></P> <P> </P>