Class Diagrams in Visual Studio.NET Beta 2
A few days ago Raymond Lewallen blogged about refactoring some VB.NET code using interfaces, and abstract classes. I followed up with a C# example of the same code in a blog. I thought this would be interesting to see how it looks in a VS.NET Beta 2 class diagram. One of the nice features that I like about the tool is that it lets me export an image of the diagram in a variety of formats.
<IMG alt="" src="/photos/jpapa/images/62566/original.aspx" border=0 style="border-style:none;">
The class diagram is easy to use … just drag and drop a class onto it. I can right click the classes refactor or add fields, properties, methods, and constants. Nothing glamorous, but when you are a visual developer like me, it often is nice to see the class structure in a diagram like this. Yeah there are tools that do it for you, but now its built in.