Skulpt with Meredydd Luff on Web Rush #175
Meredydd Luff comes for part two to talk about what Skulpt is, how it avoids HTML and CSS, whether Skulpt has source maps, running Python in the browser, and the story behind how it all came together.
John Papa is a professional Web Developer and storyteller. He currently leads the Academic Cloud Advocacy teams at Microsoft and formerly worked for Disney.
Meredydd Luff comes for part two to talk about what Skulpt is, how it avoids HTML and CSS, whether Skulpt has source maps, running Python in the browser, and the story behind how it all came together.
All 4 hosts are on talking about where you should look for tech advice when you're starting down the path of learning a new web technology. What methods work? What should you avoid? And how do you write docs for a brand new technology?
Maina Wyclyffe talks with us about how to write better TypeScript. How does he decide when to use TypeScript? How do you deal with null? Are TypeScript enums bad? What are our pet peeves in TypeScript? And thoughts on creating a type from another type.
Aristeidis Bampakos has written books and blog posts on Angular and he joins us to talk about his tips for writing, including how he decided to write a book, what lessons he learned in the process, and tips for dealing with procrastination.
Sasha Shynkevich talks with us about how to pick a JavaScript framework, and stop worrying about if you're picking the right JavaScript framework, how to find a community to learn with, and how to know what's good and what's not?