In case you have not caught his series already, Joe White is blogging his 31 favorite Resharper tips in his series of posts called 31 days of Resharper. Resharper has saved me a ton of time in coding in .NET with its Find Usages, live templates, compiler warnings, and many of its navigation features. If you love using Resharper like I do or you are considering finding out what all the fuss is about, check out his series so far. He is about half way through his tips as he has posted the following entries so far:
Day 0: Basics and installation
Day 1: The gray, the red, and the squiggly
Day 2: The color bar and the green box
Day 3: ReSharper survival guide, or, What's up with my keybindings?
Day 4: Auto closing delimiters
Day 5: Integrated unit-test runner
Day 6: Shared options in the .resharper file
Day 7: Code formatting
Day 8: Find Usages
Day 9: Parameter Info
Day 10: Go To Type
Day 11: Code navigation
Day 12: Type Hierarchy view
Day 13: File Structure view
Day 14: Suggested variable names
Day 15: The Ctrl+Space family
Day 16: Importing namespaces with Alt+Enter
Day 17: Change All with Alt+Enter (and, Introducing the red light bulb)
Day 18: Adding things with Alt+Enter
Day 19: Implement Members with Alt+Enter
Day 20: Fix errors and warnings with Alt+Enter
Day 21: Code transformations with Alt+Enter
Day 22: Generating code with Alt+Ins
Day 23: Introduce Variable (and, introducing Ctrl+Shift+R to refactor)Day 26: Change Signature
Day 27: Extract Method
Day 28: Really Extract Static Method and Extract Property